Making a small difference to a bigger problem.

Weddings & Events are an amazing way to celebrate an occasion with the ones you care about. Mesa is here to ensure you have the best event possible whilst giving back to the community & planet.

At Mesa, we are continuously looking for ways to carbon offset, give back to the community, and lower our impact on the environment. With this in mind, we have partnered with a couple of charities to help us do just that.


FareShare South West

FareShare South West, as an independent part of the FareShare UK network, exists because millions of people across the UK are struggling to afford to eat, yet at the same time thousands of tonnes of good food goes to waste every day. As the largest food redistribution charity in the South West, the charity works directly with food producers and suppliers to unlock surplus food, which would otherwise go to waste. The food that FareShare South West redistributes is nutritious, in-date and good to eat. It reaches charities across the South West region, including school breakfast clubs, older people’s lunch clubs, homeless shelters, and community cafes. In 2020/21, FareShare South West scaled up by six times, delivering enough food for 6.1 million meals. 

Mesa Catering is committed to donating 12.5p per guest that they cater for at all events. Our clients match our donation, meaning together we will donate 25p per guest. These donations equate to one meal given back to the community through FareShare, per guest at the event.

Since starting Mesa Catering we have donated over 12,000 meals to distribute back to the community. This is just the beginning!


There are a few key ways in which we keep our business as sustainable as possible…

The quality of ingredients from both of our catering partners Thali and Pieminister, are always of the highest standards. Using locally sourced, free-range meat, dairy and eggs. Seasonal and locally sourced fruit and veg wherever possible, and deforestation free ingredients.

Both partners actively work to reduce the amount of physical waste generated across their business, and recycle wherever possible.

Pieminister aim to make 100% of their packaging reusable, widely recyclable, or easy to home compost, with a continuous reduction of single-use plastic packaging.

Pieminister have been listed as a B Corporation. As a B Corp, they balance purpose and profit, and continuously aim for higher environmental and social standards.⁠

You can find out more about the ways that Pieminister are sustainable on their webiste:

Thali became the first Indian restaurant group to be awarded a Three Star Sustainability Champion rating by the Sustainable Restaurant Association in 2013.

We are also happy to have just launched our plant-based menus and have replicated some of the options onto our standard event menus to reduce our meat offering and therefore our carbon footprint.